Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools!

I bet you thought I wasn't going to get my post in for today. Well if you did, April Fools! Actually I am not a very good April Fools Day joke player. Howie and Emma-Caroline both got me good with the following:
Howie: Hey, Amy I talked to Devin (our contractor) and he said he spoke with the plumbers about the noise we are hearing in our pipes and that they are going to have to come and knock through the back wall of our shower to fix the problem.
Me: Are you kidding me! That's terrible, that's going to cost a fortune and the mess . . . Seriously, I am so mad . . .
Howie: April Fools!
Emma-Caroline: Mommy, Today is Andie's last day of school, she's going to be moving.
Me: Really, where's she moving to?
Emma-Caroline: April Fool's
I truly believed both of these little jokers. I guess they fooled me! And if I fooled you about today's post I apologize.
Truthfully, last night Howie and I had a huge scare with our 15 year old dog Lucy. She started convulsing at 10pm last night and I was certain it was the end. She couldn't see anything and I just knew she had gone blind too. Howie rushed her to the emergency pet clinic after I hastily cut some of the hair off her tail and sobbed my tearful good-bye just in case. Two hours later, Howie was home with Lucy and a diagnosis of geriatric vertigo. Seriously? Dogs get vertigo? I am glad my sweet dog is OK and still with us. I guess she played an early April Fools joke on me too.
So because I have had a little bit of a rough 24 hours, I am leaving you with this one image. Hope y'all had a great April Fools Day. Oh and I want to say Happy birthday too to my Step-Mom Pam! Love you Pam! This one's for you!


Nancy said...

Last night was a scare for me, too. Amy called me crying about Lucy, and my heart stopped beating for a few seconds until I realized whose Hands her sweet little life was really in. We said a prayer for her, and I think we both felt better. Our pets are part of our family and when we think that they are at death's door, the pain is as great as it is for our human loved ones. Sometimes,I don't understand why this is so, except, I guess that little spot in our hearts where we hold them so dear can hurt as much as any other spot in our hearts. We all love you, Lucy!!!

Brenda Ledbetter said...

Happy belated April fools day. I am so sorry you experienced such a scare with your beautiful and beloved Lucy. May God Bless You as you continue to care for her as she is in her delicate years. I know the pain must have been tremendous and my heart aches at your pain. I am so glad it all turned out as you said..., I didn't know animals could have such an illness either and really so thankful your vet recognized what it really was and spared Lucy's life. What a close call. Lucy has been such a special pet and I have always enjoyed visiting her through the years. So glad she is back home and safe with you all to care for her.

Also Happy Belated Birthday to Pam, that is very special too.

Have a great day, it sunny and beautiful here in Memphis today. I plan to walk in the Botantic Gardens later or very soon today while the sun is shinning so bright. Love you all,

Aunt Brenda

MaryBeth said...

So sorry about the scare with your dog. Glad she is back home! For me there is *almost* nothing that a big glass of wine won't cure :)

patty said...

very pretty, amy... it just evokes peace


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