Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sweet CeCe's

I am sure it is probably this way in many cities across the U.S., but it seems Knoxville has been descended upon by the yogurt store entrepreneurs of America. We have Menchi's, Fro-Yoz's and now Sweet CeCe's all within a 3 mile radius of each other. It's actually quite funny how these little "IT" stores pop up each year. Last year it was the super car wash franchise with the free vacuums. This year, it's yogurt.    So I've tried the three afore mentioned stores and I have come to the conclusion that Sweet CeCe's is the best of the three.
I have clear reasons for this decision.
For one, the yogurt at Sweet CeCe's is the creamiest of all three stores. They are also VERY clean.

The sprinkles station is housed in a more sanitary device with a turn knob instead of scoops and bins into which kids can stick their hands (YUCK!).

They also offer VERY fresh fruit for a healthier topping option. Their pricing is also lower than the other two franchises. I also really like the decor of Sweet CeCe's, but that is a matter of cosmetics, not a reason to like a place better.
The attendants of the store also interact with you and explain about the different flavors. They seem to really care about the store and your experience there instead of just being there to take your money and restock the yogurt cups.
So if you are a Knoxvillian and haven't tried Sweet CeCe's, check it out! It's next to the Fresh Market. I think you'll enjoy your visit.

Sharing the above shot with Patty at Finding Serendipity for Photo a la {M}ode.
f 1.8, 1/160, ISO 320, 35mm


patty said...

looks yummy, amy! i love the shot of the cups with the pink flower in the background!!

can't wait to see you friday, and thanks for linking up again!


Nancy said...

You'll have to take me there when I come to Knoxville for my next visit. Your pictures are great!!

Brenda Ledbetter said...

Oh, that looks so good. I will have to try that on my next visit to Knoxville.
Aunt Brenda - Memphis, TN

Sheri said...

That is so funny that you posted about this. Savannah and I just talked about the same thing last week. Even big girls (14 year olds) like to go for yogurt after school. We have them everywhere too - :)


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