Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Goodness Me!

Goodness me, where's my head??? With the hecticness of this final month of the school year, I almost completely forgot to post today. Now that would have just made me so darn angry. I've done so well at keeping up with this 365 project, and by golly, I'm gonna see it through, gosh darn it! In doing this 365 project thang, I've realized that others are probably a whole lot smarter than me about their projects, and that they probably really do post one photo per day that may or may not be accompanied by text. I have made this project way harder than it needed to be, but that is OK. I am enjoying getting a post up every day, and I actually look forward to reading the year 2011 in blog book form when it's all said and done. And with this post, I haven't missed a day yet! Now, the photo I am posting with this post probably has nothing to do with the text accompanying it, but oh, well, I guess that doesn't really matter. Goodness Me!


Brenda Ledbetter said...

Wow, a nice post for sure. We all get so busy and wonder where did the time go..., but at least your beautiful daughters are enjoying their childhood with laughter and fun and you are there to be very supportative of them. I love the tire swing picture, looks like the lazy, crazy, days of summer are upon us. Awesome shot. Reminds me of when we, Linda, Brenda and Nancy as children, would go to our relatives home near Oxford, Mississippi and play, play, play in the green grass & tree studed yard with swings and fun things to do while mama was busy helping in the house, preparing things that made life so nice.

Elizabeth Ann said...

With you posting everyday and me being so absent minded i've had a hard time keeping up as such u see it is July 4th and i'm way back beginning of May.


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