Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Really Y'all?

So I am sure you all are on the edge of your seats as to why I have not been  feeling so well these last several weeks, right? No actually, I know you all really care about me and I appreciate that so much. Makes me feel a little better, even though I feel like the floorboard of a Greyhound Bus. Yep, that bad. Those of you out there who see me in person may think, "Boy is she faking! I saw her today and she looked fine to me!" Well, the thing is,  I do "look" fine. But inside, my body is doing all sorts of weirdo things, like attacking my joints to the MAX, and being all anemic to the MAX, oh and not producing enough thyroid hormone to the MAX. I mean, really y'all! Am I an 80 year old woman or something. I've got Rheumatoid Arthritis, Severe Anemia, and Hypothyroidism. NICE! Just go ahead and put me in the HOME. Oh, you all know I am totally being sarcastic, if you couldn't tell, about my attitude about all of these little diagnosis's. I actually am thankful. I am thankful to be able to control all of these things with meds and to go on about being my happy little self just trying to live life the best I know how to live it. As they say, attitude is just about everything in dealing with anything, and I really do try to have a happy sunny little 'tude. Mr. Rheumatoid Arthritis, Miss Anemia and Mr.Hypothyroidism can all just kiss my  . . . well, I'm just too polite to say. But I will say to these three pesky little cohabitants of my body, "Y'all think you're cute and all with your big old fancy names, but I'm cuter than y'all and I will beat you every day of the year and then some!" So with that, I am here and I will feel better soon. Thank you for your sweet words, kind thoughts and and especially your prayers. It makes me feel loved and does make me feel better too!
I am posting a photo of Immaculate Conception Church here in Downtown Knoxville. It's one of the oldest churches in Knoxville at 156 years and counting. I always marvel at old churches and think of all those who worshiped here before. It gives me a peaceful feeling!


Lana Kim White Austin said...

Oh my heavens....I was praying that I was wrong....but your symptoms/the way you described sounded so much like me....I also have inflammation problems--the reason I gained 20 lbs 9 months ago is because they put me on all these steroids because of the baker's cysts/massive swelling in my knees and I couldn't exericse--and having the metabolism of a 94 year old woman (quote from my doc) me being sedentary, even if I don't eat much, means WEIGHT GAIN.
Oh, dear....I am double time praying for you. We SO NEED TO TALK.
I have been through everything that you are writing about/have been diagnosed with. It's been VERY HUMBLING.
You WILL feel some better on the thyroid replacement, though sometimes it takes a while to get it all adjusted properly.
I'll try to write an email to you in the next few days!
Please know that I'm sending mega prayers and love and EMPATHY your way,
PS The baby baptism photos are AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brenda Ledbetter said...

My sincerest prayers are with you. Winners fight the fight, you have that in you. I agonize with you on your journey/fight through the health issues. Keep the good looks going and great spirit and sense of humor about you..., you are a blessing to us all and a real encouragement that life can still be lived to the fullest when you love life as you certainly show you do. My sincerest heartfelt mind and soul is with you today and always. I wish I could take the pain away for you or help find a quick cure for you.

We love you very much,
Aunt Brenda - Memphis, TN

P. S. That is a very beautiful picture you posted of the church, you certainly are not lacking in talent and hopefully your talents will help get you through this painful time in your life and of course the power of prayer is an awesome healer in GOD's timing.

Sarah Harper said...

:(( I am SO SORRY to hear that you are going through all of this!!! Please know that you can count on me any time you need some help with the girls this summer! We would love to have them over any time. You take care of yourself, sweet friend! I will be praying that you find the right meds FAST! xo

p.s. beautiful pictures of that baby girl! Is that your friend Angela from the birthday party?

patty said...

oh miss amy. you have a great attitude. and i know it feels a little empowering to know what is going on so you can develop a plan of attack. :) be strong, even when you are feeling tired... thinking and praying for you. xoxo

KimberFNP said...

Love your attitude...praying for comfort.

KimberFNP said...

p.s. I'm sure they did, but make sure they checked for mono, which can cause all your symptoms and false positive Rheumatoid Factor. Sorry, I live and breathe my job, can't resist putting my 2 cents worth in ;)


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