Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Last Days of Kindergarten

WHAAAATTTT????? Say it ain't so! I can't believe my first born is about to finish her last day of kindergarten in 1 whole day. This year has FLOWN by. Oh, I know it's cliche to say that the year has flown by, but, literally it has. I knew it would. It has been jammed packed full of learning and fun, and learning, and meeting new friends, and learning, and did I mention, learning! Emma-Caroline really has learned so much this year and we have been very pleased with her wonderful school, Bearden Elementary. I wish I could say I was sad that the year is coming to an end, but I really don't feel that way. It's been a spectacular year and I am so proud of Emma-Caroline for all that she has accomplished. I don't think she could have had any better year in kindergarten than this past year with Mrs. Hughes at Bearden Elementary. We look forward to the next adventure coming up in 1st grade, and in between, a fun-filled summer vacation. Remember this photo from the beginning of the year?
Now take a look at these sweet friends as the year winds down. We'll have many a summer play date for sure!
 Happy Summer Friends!


Brenda Ledbetter said...

Very sweet young ladies. Have a great summer. Enjoy the lazy, crazy days of summer.

Aunt Brenda

Nancy said...

I'm so glad Emma-Caroline and Sophie are going to Bearden Elementary. I was very impressed with the school and the teachers when I came for a visit.

I love the pictures of the girls. It's amazing the difference a school year can make. The shyness and innocence of the first picture has been replaced with a look of youthful confidence and wide-eyed eagerness for future learning. I hope they will all be friends for life!


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