Friday, March 4, 2011

Birthday Celebration

In our house, we tend to celebrate Emma-Caroline's birthday on a week long bases. I suppose it alll started when her birthday began falling on a day of the regular work week making it necessary to have her birthday party on the weekend either before or after her actual birthday, therefore giving her more than one opportunity to celebrate her birthday. Sophie's birthday is in the Summer, so we get to pretty much have her party on the actual day that she was born.
 After having a ballerina birthday party and bithday dinner with family last Saturday, Emma-Caroline celbrated her real birthday yesterday with a party at school and then a birthday dinner at her favorite restaurant Wisabi.
 Howie and I told her she could choose any place she wanted to eat, and thank goodness it wasn't Chucky Cheese. Wisabi, I like, and we all had a great time.
 Before dinner, Emma-Caroline was able to open her gifts from Howie and I and Sophie.

 Sophie picked out a real bakeware set, Precious Moments Belle, and glitter nail polish (which I will post pics about at a later date) for her big sister's birthday.
 Emma-Caroline's asked for gift, American Girl Doll Molly, was the highlight of her gift opening. That moment almost didn't happen after I had found out that American Girl had "gliched" the order I had placed and told me on Wednesday I wouldn't get it until Friday because they use FedEx. When I nicely explained to the lady that FedEx built it's reputation on the term "Overnight," somehow the prized Molly doll arrived at our doorstep one day later just in time for the birthday girl.
So glad I didn't just say OK to the Friday delivery and insisted it COULD be delivered the next day. I wouldn't have gotten the above shot if I hadn't.
Emma-Caroline is a very blessed little girl to have so many family members and friends who love her dearly and who have helped her to celbrate her special day. As she said yesterday, "Six is going to be a GREAT year!"


Nancy said...

What a beautiful birthday celebration! Emma-Caroline AND Sophie are truely blessed little girls. I love the gifts that Sophie picked out, and I'm so glad that Molly arrived on time!! The pictures are great. I especially like the one of the girls where Emma-Caroline is smiling so big and Sophie has her eyes cut back toward the camera ... so adorable!

patty said...

you go, mama!
hope last night was fun! and this weekend, peaceful.

Unknown said...

I seriously love the bows you have in yours girls hair! They are adorable! Where do you get them, or do you make them?


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