Monday, January 3, 2011


I am not a person who likes to make lists of things to do, especially life changing lists. They make me nervous, those little lists, and although I am an admitted Type-A personality, lists do NOT make my heart sing. I like to think that I can carry the "list" of things I need to do in my personal organization center in my brain. And most of the time it works well that way. I remember dates, things to do, important activities, etc. by association and file it all away in color coded files in my head. That's not to say that I don't have actual files, and to do lists, and day planners (note I said planner"s"). It's just that I do much better when I am not obsessing over those tangible things and just focus on the "now" of a situation, task, or event. As I think about the new year ahead of me, the one goal I have for myself is to really live simply, to strip away everything else that clouds my vision of what is actually important, and really live life as it was intended for me to live. In living simply I want to grow in my faith, love my family with more passion, breath in the beauty of nature and what God has made for us. I want to simply be and know, and enjoy, and love this life that was given to me. And through this simplicity, I want to come to understanding of God's plan for me here now, not yesterday, or even tomorrow, but NOW. This is my New Year's hope, to live in simplicity.


Cathy said...

Oh, what a lovely sight your blog is! Thank you for popping over to visit me...your comment brightened my day! Come back anytime...I'll be sure to visit again soon! ps--you are so right with this post...beautiful wish for the new year!

Unknown said...

What a wonderful goal you have for the New Year Amy! It made me realize that i too have to make a New year commitment for myself. One that includes God and family. Thanks for being such an inspiration :) Happy New Year to you and your wonderful family!

Brenda Ledbetter said...

What a great new year commitment..., when life is made simple we can better understand directions for our life in a God given way. I have strived to make things simple in my older years.., wish I had done it at a much younger age because there is so much enjoyment in not being complex and relaxing in God Given Peace and Direction.


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