Monday, January 10, 2011

As I Watch You Grow

I purchased an Amaryllis for Christmas and was delighted by it's beautiful blooms. It amazed me with it's pure beauty and was one of my favorite Christmas decorations. After the tree was taken down, the stockings put away and the wreath removed from the front door, the Christmas Amaryllis surprised me with another shoot and the promise of a whole new bloom. I eagerly awaited and photographed it's progress day by day. As I watched it grow, I thought of how wondrous God's creation is. All of it. And I have thought to myself as I marveled at the beauty that awaited me in the Amaryllis, "Perhaps this is how God watches us as we grow and transform into the beautiful person we are meant to be." I have nurtured this Amaryllis, protected it, enjoyed it, marveled at it, encouraged it, all to see it become what it was meant to be, just as our Heavenly Father watches us. It's an awesome realization. It also makes me think of parenting. As we nurture, protect, enjoy, marvel at, encourage our children, we watch them grow. It's an awesome and humbling responsibility and I thank God and ask for His guidance daily for this task He has entrusted us with. May our girls grow into the beautiful persons God intended them to be.


Nancy said...

Amy - that is so beautiful! said...

Your flower is really pretty.....I didn't know anything about these flowers until Rolf's mother went to the nursing home. Every year they put these flowers out around Christmas time. They start blooming and blooming and open up so gorgeous and beautiful. They have several different colors....white, pink, red, coral and sone are even
multicolored. They are very fasinating to watch and a joy for the nursing home patients to see. When the blooms die and they stop blooming completely, they are put away and saved for the next year. I think this flower is certainly one of Gods great creation. I hope you will enjoy your flower for years to come.

{A*very} Blessed Life said...

Thank you Aunt Linda for sharing this with me. I will certainly keep this bulb to have for another year and years to come. It is now one of my most favorite things. I think that is wonderful that they put these out at the nursing home. It has given me such joy to watch and I am sure it gives joy to the residents there. Please tell Aunt Ilsa hello for me.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful flower. I have never heard of Amaryllis but it certainly got my attention now :)I may just get one for myself next Christmas just to enjoy it's beauty when everything else seems to be dormant. Thanks for sharing Amy!

patty said...

it's beautiful and one of my favorite, too (love forced paper whites!)... great idea to photograph them every day... and so is the 365 project. i agree... best way to get better is to do it all the time. i'm afraid to commit to 365, tho~ you're brave! :)

Brenda Ledbetter said...

I love what you wrote Amy, I am so glad that you have that prespective at a young age and to apply it to your girls and your life, how awesome; but sad that some parents don't realize this beauty as the children are maturing. Awesome is your stanz on life and beauty and nurturing. I will have to get a flower like that myself. I love the beauty of God's work in progress.
I grew a big bell pepper plant once in a big pot on my back patio and was amazed at how it gradually turned from green to red as it matured..., was like paint brush marks every day until it was all red. I was so taken back and humbled by this.., at how God's hand creates it all. It is so awesome!!!!

I love Aunt Linda's story about the nursing home. How beautiful and how nice.

Love you all,
Aunt Brenda


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