Saturday, January 15, 2011


I have come to a point in this 365 day project where I am starting to struggle for authenticity. "Yikes!" and "Yikes!" about sums up my feelings about this, especially since this is only day 15 and I have 350 days to go. YIKES! I know this is not life changing on the scale of all things, but I REALLY want to accomplish this little or big project, not only for myself, but also for my family. I guess you could call this project my marathon, my Everest. It's something I really want to do and to learn something from, so I will persevere. The problem comes in the authentic part.
I have taken photos of stacks of wood,
balls in a basket,
signs, and the list goes on. And yes, these are things that are around me or something I am partaking in at the time, like lunch with a friend. But, it seems a bit silly to make my friend wait to eat her sandwich so that I can photograph it. They say, "Take your camera EVERYWHERE. Shoot photos of EVERYTHING." I understand why, but I guess when I get strange looks and comments from the girl behind the counter taking my sandwich order, I then feel a bit silly. In my mind I am saying, "Whatever, friend! I don't have to explain anything to you!" But on the outside I say with my sweetest Southern accent ,"Ohhh, I'm just takin' sum pick-turrrres . . . you know what they s-aaa-ay, practice maaakes purfect!" And then I snap a few more frames just for effect. So where does this new realization leave me in my project? Basically just at the place where I now realize that a great photograph, for me, not only comes from skill and knowledge of lighting etc. but it also comes from what is meaningful and authentic to me, the person behind the lens snapping the photo. So the 365 day project continues.
Here's to authenticity!


paige said...

i understand completely!
let me tell you my thoughts on my 365....i have already given myself the ok to not have 365 for this project. nor will i take & upload a picture
no way jose
i'm thinking i will try to have 7pics from the week OR have 7 pics some of which are older but i will do a new round of post processing.
it can be a completely overwhelming task.
but i think you're off to a great start
& lets hear it for people that think we're weirdos photographing our food! :)

{A*very} Blessed Life said...

Thanks Paige! I like your take on the 365 day project. I also appreciate the encouragement. I am actually off to purchase the photography book you said you got for Christmas. I hope to be able to take as great a photos as you do. For me at this point, I feel like I am shooting in left field especially since I am only shooting in M mode. Sometimes I get it right, sometimes I don't. But I guess it is all part of the "process". Right? Have a great weekend!

Pam said...

Amy, those pictures are really good and maybe those businesses would like to advertise with those "authentic" pictures of their foods and shops. That sandwich looks like something that I would love to eat because it does look so authentic! Maybe you could sell them your authentic spur of the moment pictures! I can so see them blown up and on the walls of a coffee shop or little bistro. Keep it can do it!

Nancy said...

Amy, your photos are great, and you are achieving perfection in photography, no doubt, in shooting something new everyday. However, I think there is something that you are not aware of. By posting your photos on your blog every day and WRITING something about them everyday, you are ALSO perfecting your writing skills for 365 days. Not only do I enjoy your photos, but I think you have a very unique way of writing! Very entertaining!!!

Nancy said...

Oh, and by the way, I hope you weren't driving down the interstate at 75 miles per hour when you took that last picture of Emma-Carolina! Just kidding!!!! That is a great shot through your "rear view mirror".

Teresa said...

First, that sandwich looks divine. I am making a panini tomorrow. The end.
I actually got to the point where I was photographing life instead of living life. It got to be a bit ridiculous, so now I put my camera down and actually participate in the moment most of the time. Some of those things happen once in a lifetime and I want to enjoy them to the fullest. All that to say, I do adore 365 and 52 projects and am participating in one myself!
I think your pictures are just beautiful!

Amanda said...

I agreed to do a "52" project this year on Flickr. I figured it would be easy since I take so many pictures. Nothing like a "project" to zap your motivation and creativity, LOL. I find myself struggling every single week to get the camera out and take some pictures. But, I know you will improve from it and will learn a ton. Just remember to have fun, too. I haven't decided yet whether I am going to stick with it or not.


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