Thursday, June 23, 2011

True Light

We are heading into our 4th day without power. Again, no big deal. Inconvenient, yes. But in the grand scheme of things, no big deal. This lack of electricity has freed up my time that is normally occupied by electronics to be able to catch up on reading, especially reading from my devotional book and Bible. It has also freed me to be able to spend quality time with my girls without the distraction of the tv, wii, or computer. I am certainly not down on electronics, but this time without them has given me opportunity to reflect. This past Sunday, I was blessed to teach Kids Worship. Our lesson was on the Trinity and our belief that our God is three persons in one. We made salt dough in which the three parts represente d the three persons of God. The flour representes God the Father, the salt represents God the Son, and the water represents God the Holy Spirit. All three mixed together make one dough yet they are all three still present in the one. The children then made crosses out of the dough and I brought them home to bake. I found this lesson online, and felt it was a really great one to give a concrete image for understanding the Trinity. I told y'all last week that I have been feeling a special calling to go into ministry for children. I feel this is the next step in my path that God has for me. After teaching children for 12 years I took off after Sophie was born and never went back. I really didn't want to go back into the classroom. Children's ministry presented itself and for a while I dismissed it thinking surely I couldn't do it. But God had other plans, and He kept working on my heart. So, I said yes. My chuch is having me back on staff in the area of Children's Christian Education. I am exploring avenues to further my education at the doctoral level at Virginia Theological Seminary in Christian Educational Leadership. This is all in the discerning phase and really makes me nervous, but I feel like sharing it through writing it down makes it real. While I was at Kanuga, the Bishop of Mayland spoke to us about how we are asked to turn towards the light and draw nearer to God on our life's journey. Its so much easier to just turn away and receed into the darkness of societal pressures for time and attention. I hope and pray that God will lead me every day to help the children I work with to see God and to turn and always walk towards the true light. Writing this on my cell phone is kind of elementary because of the difficulty in editing. But my words are from my heart. r


Sarah Harper said...

Gosh! I can't believe you guys are still without power!! Hope your house is staying cool? I will be praying for you as you try to discern what steps God would have you take next in your journey. I'm sure it's scary, but I admire your courage in heeding God's call ~ xo

Nancy said...

Sometimes it takes darkness to see the light. Love you all. See you soon! ......... Mom

{edie} said...

How exciting Amy! I'll be praying....
also, hope that power comes back on soon, i'm sure it's past the point of adventurous :)

Elizabeth Ann said...

Four days without power is crazy. The most i've gone recently is 2 hours besides that crazy time in August of 2003.


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