Saturday, June 4, 2011

A Charleston History Lesson

I have told y'all that I spent many a summer and holiday in Charleston during my high school and college years. During that time, I use to drag my two sisters, Katie and Kelly who were 8 and 6 at the time, to Downtown Charleston for endless walks amongst the historical houses. I always promised ice cream and play time in the park and they willingly came along on my Charleston escapades. We would always land at the park, of which I do not recall the name, that is across the street from St. Michael's Episcopal Church and on the corner of Broad and Meeting Streets. Later, my sisters both told me that they really enjoyed our journey's down to Charleston and especially loved the park that I would take them to. It's a time I will always cherish with them. Since I am a huge history lover as well as Charleston lover (have I told you that already), I decided on my last day here at the beach/Charleston, that the Avery girls needed a trip to Charleston for a dosing in my favorite place on Earth.  I have loads of photos to share from Charleston and lots more to tell, but today, I am sharing the one above. It is in the park where I use to take my sisters. My girls and I had just as much fun as my sisters and I did almost 20 years ago.I have again created a memory that I will cherish forever!


Kelly said...

Awww Ames! This was so sweet. I do remember those times with you in Charleston. I look back at it now and appreciate all the places you took me and Katie! I hope you had a wonderful time there and I hope that Charleston Charm is still there. I Love You! <3

patty said...

sweet, beautiful photo! i love charleston, too... has some serious meaning to my husband and i. we're considering it for our 20th anniversary celebration.


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