Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Sense of Calm

I have been feeling a special calling to go into children's ministry at our church specifically in the area of children's Christian education. Sometimes when you feel God nudging you to go down the path of life he has planned for you, your knee jerk reaction is to go running away as fast as you can shouting over your shoulder, "Surely you don't want me! You meant another Amy, not me, right?" And that is exactly what I did. But God kept prodding me and eventually I knew that he did mean this Amy.
 Even on my trip to Kanuga, I looked for ways to wiggle free of this plan I knew God has for me. On the first night there, I texted my friend Vaiden a hundred times with things like, "I have a mattress coil sticking in my back" and, "this motel room is like the Bates Motel meets Jesus" and, "There's a Grandaddy Long Legs staring me down, I just know I am going to wake up with him in the bed next to me!" I scolded myself for being so prissy, and spoiled. The room wasn't horrible, but rather, clean and sparse, and despite the Grandaddy Long Legs, a decent room. But I was uncomfortable. Why? I asked God the same question and prayed that he would show me what plan he had for me in my feeling so uncomfortable in this place.
 The next morning, the Bishop of Maryland spoke to us about feeling God's calling. He said, "When God calls us into ministry to serve others in his name, he is not calling us to particularly be comfortable." WOW! That was the answer to my previous night's prayer. In my physical uncomfortableness, I was negating the fact that I also felt spiritual uncomfortableness in the path God was asking me to go down. It's a hard  journey to answer God's call. You make a commitment to do his work for others and to give the praise to him, not yourself. It's HARD to do that, really hard. But it is so worth it for the benefit of God's Kingdom here on earth. In my time spent at Kanuga, I left there feeling a sense of calm that I knew I could do this thing because I have God by my side, guiding me along the way. It will be hard at times, but I know I can do it.


Sarah Harper said...

Wow, Amy! I'm really excited for you! Best of luck in pursuing your calling. God must have big things in store for you! ~ xo

Brenda Ledbetter said...

Amy I am so proud of you and that you can recognize God's Hand on you, I know you will take your talent where it leads you and where the Hand of God guides you.
My sincerest prayers are with you, I know it feels scary, I have been there myself and run from it and lived a life of unfullfillment lots of times when I didn't listen to a sincere calling on some things in my life I felt deeply about. It is so real for sure. My prayers are with you as you make big and little steps of faith.
Aunt Brenda - Memphis, TN

Nancy said...

Oh, Amy, the tears are rolling down my cheeks after reading this beautiful testament. I am so proud of you, and I know you can do it, too! I've always known that you were blessed with special gifts that would one day be used for the glory of God. Whatever it is that He wants you to do, don't be afraid, for your fears will be chased away by your trust and faith in Him.

The photos that you have posted are so beautiful and are worth a thousand words. The water appears as diamonds. You have certainly captured in these photos some of God's most wonderous works!

patty said...

love the shots in the renewal post, but these, with the light shimmering on the lake, and with those sweet, heartfelt words... my favorite.


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