Saturday, July 30, 2011

New York Cuisine

It was restaurant week while Howie and I were on our trip to New York two weekends ago. What that means is food, food, and more food at a nice little fixed price at many of New York's finest restaurants. Howie took full advantage of restaurant week and reserved tables for us all over New York. And the fine restaurants were not the only places we went to for food! Food is EVERYWHERE in New York, and it is quite tasty! I would weigh a million pounds if I lived in New York. No, I take that back, I wouldn't because I would walk it off  everywhere I went! Here is just a small sampling of the restaurants, markets, and cuisine of New York City!

 Disclaimer on the dude below: First, no that's not Howie. This guy was taking photos too and offered to take the photo of me above (You can see him in the window reflection). So I took one of him as well. Interesting choice of hat, don't you think! He was very nice though!


Brenda Ledbetter said...

Oh so awesome, I would love it there. So colorful and looks so good.


Aunt Brenda - Memphis, Tn

patty said...

gotta be careful of those new yorkers! ;)
all i can say is YUM. and did you get any black & whites??
next time, try ray's pizza... delish!


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