Saturday, October 8, 2011

Pumpkin Patch and Corn Maze Fun!

We decided this weekend that we were going to go to the pumpkin patch. We usually wait until almost the very end of October to go to the patch, but this year we got an early jump on our pumpkin pickin'.
 This year we tried out a new pumpkin farm at the Cruze Dairy Farm in Knoxville. They had advertised heavily around Knoxville with the lure of ice cream after you went through the maze. So we decided to check it out!
 It was a beautiful farm, like the others we have been to with lots of places for photo ops, a petting zoo, corn maze for kids and adults as well as much more. It was also closer and just off the interstate near the French Broad River.
 We ran into our friends the Smithey's who had the very same idea as us. Emma-Caroline and Lydia were thrilled to see each other, but not so thrilled to pose for my camera while staring into the blinding sun!
 We made a quick stop to measure ourselves for posterity's sake.

 We then headed on down to the corn maze where we wound and twisted through thousands of stalks until we made it to the end to receive our ice cream reward!
 Yes friends, that is Howie you see there actually consuming the ice cream at the end of the maze. This boy will hardly ever eat ice cream unless it is good. And this ice cream was GOOD!
 We went for a hayride to the "pumpkin patch" after our ice cream. The only suggestion I have for the Cruze Family Farm is to actually grow some pumpkins next year and have a real patch. These were placed in a field, which is fine. The girls didn't really care that they were not in a real patch, but it is pretty neat to see an actual pumpkin patch too.
 Both Sophie and Emma-Caroline picked two very lovely pumpkins that Howie will carve  (note I said Howie will carve) on Halloween.
 This sweet girl had a wonderful time!
 And so did this little pumpkin!

 We ended our trip with a quick photo op with Mommy and then headed for some lunch.
It has been a perfect day! Now it's time for some football time in Tennessee. Go Vols! Beat Georgia!


nancy said...

Beautiful, beautiful pictures, and I'm so glad that HOWIE is going to do the pumpkin carving!!!!

Be VERY careful, Howie!

Elizabeth Ann said...

I was actually telling someone the other day about your pumpkin experience. I met this guy who apparently landed full body on his pinky finger and fractured it in six places. He had a huge cast and had to keep it elevated for seven days. (They gave him a pillow which helped).


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