Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Personal Time

Sometimes I think it is very hard to take personal time. From the moment your feet hit the floor it seems that all of your time is spent doing for others, not really yourself. Take a quick shower so you don't use all the hot water up for the next person in, hurry and get dressed so you have enough time to help little ones get their clothes on, inhale a cup of coffee and a bite of toast so you can make sure that others have enough to eat and are fueled for the day. And the list goes on, until it is the end of the day again, you are exhausted, and you think, I never took any time just for me. It's not that it's bad to use your time to help and take care of others, it's just that you aren't the "Energizer Bunny." You don't just keep going and going. You need to take time for just you, to rest, relax, enjoy, energize . . . by doing something just for you! Whether that something is sitting for 30 minutes and enjoying music while sipping a cup of coffee, or reading an interesting book or magazine, or walking the neighborhood and taking in the colors of the fall, it's important to do it, just for you, no one else. I think I always have the best of intentions of doing something just for me, but my mind always wanders over to what I need to be doing next . . . folding the next load of laundry, mopping the floors, stopping by the store for bananas. We all do that. But it's OK to break that habit of always thinking about what we need to do next, and focusing on the here and now. I'm gonna give it my best effort to try and sit and take that personal time, to enjoy just being and to find a way of re-energizing while enjoying the moment. I hope you find that time too!

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