Thursday, October 20, 2011

Laundry List

It's amazing how many things can occur in one week's time! The absolute best thing about blogging this 365 Project, besides the obvious of learning my camera, is the chronicling of our life day-by-day. In the past week, we have had many wonderful and exciting things happening as well as normal ordinary things taking place. One of the not-so-ordinary things was a trip to Puerto Rico, just Howie and I. We had a wonderful and relaxed time and I can't wait to share all of the photos. I am going to back post soon, chronologically the events of the past week. But until then, here's my laundry list of what's been happening around the Avery house since last Thursday.
1. Emma-Caroline lost her first front tooth!
2. Emma-Caroline had a Character Counts Program and Fall Party at her school!
3. Howie and I left for Puerto Rico (LOTS to come about our trip!)
4. Emma-Caroline and Sophie had a fabulous time with their babysitter, Miss Ali (although a mouse was found scurrying in the kitchen.)
5. And much much more!


Sheri said...

I LOVE your new blog header. Your little family is so stinking cute. Have a blessed weekend.

Brenda Ledbetter said...

Can't wait to see all the pictures of your trip.

Know you all had a very exciting time and I am sure the girls enjoyed being with the sweet young lady that is your babysitter too. Awesome for all of you.

Love, Aunt Brenda Memphis, TN

patty said...

hello miss amy.... looks like lovely things for the avery family! can't wait to "see" puerto rico! think of you whenever we are in knoxville. hope you are well and happy!


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