Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Good Bed Time Story

A couple of nights ago, Howie peeked in on Emma-Caroline in her room after she had gone to bed. "Amy," he called, "you have got to take a picture of this!" Grabbing my camera, I tiptoed down the hall at Howie's cue, finger to lips, opened the door to Emma-Caroline's room and found this.
 This sweet little girl had fallen asleep, arm propped on book while reading the latest of Cam Jansen.
 Emma-Caroline has been working hard on reading and really enjoys all of the books she brings home from school. We allow her to read for about 30 minutes after she goes to bed and then Howie lets her know it is time for lights out.
 This time, lights out came after the Emma-Caroline fell asleep. After snapping a few photos, we gently lifted her book away and got her in a more comfortable position to sleep.
They always say a good bed time story will put you right to sleep!


Lana Kim White Austin said...

Oooohhh....SO PRECIOUS!!!! Just like my Kate-Elizabeth!!!!

Oh, and I LOVE the photo of the picnic tables in your last post on personal time. What exactly *is* personal time???? ;)

Thank you so much for your comment on my 43 minutes post. I am truly sorry that you had to personally suffer through that day of horror. I'm so glad that both your parents were okay!! and then when you told me about your sister's birthday the next day, just like my Alexandra's, I just about fell over
My dear Amy, we MUST meet soon!!!! are you going to blissdom? are there still tickets? I need to get them and we need to be roomies!!!!!!
And if not then, then lets figure out some other plan. YOu are welcome in Huntsville any time!!!


Brenda Ledbetter said...

How sweet of Emma-Caroline, what a storybook picture. I love it.

I havn't been able to post lately, but you are all on my mind and I have been reading and looking at your blogs, all of which are awesome.

Love you all,

Aunt Brenda

nancy said...

Amy - these pictures are so beautiful of Emma-Caroline. I must say that she looks so much like you in these pictures!! They bring back sweet memories of you when you were little and also loved your books! I really didn't realize how much she looks like you, until seeing these pictures, and they took my breath away!


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