Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thankful for the Gathreing

I was pondering the thought of
what the very first Thanksgiving would have been like
all those many years ago.
 Did the first Pilgrims pull out their very best dishes
and set the table with their best linens?
Did they think of all the people who would be
joining them to partake in the bountiful feast
and did they set a special place just for them?
Did the Native Americans who joined the Pilgrims
feel welcomed by the Pilgrims and did
they add their own touches to the Thanksgiving feast?
They didn't call it Thanksgiving Day
all those many years ago.
That first day of celebration for the bounty
of blessings was indeed very different
than what Thanksgiving Day is today.
But I think that is the wonderful thing about this holiday
we call Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving is celebrated across the country
in many very different ways.
Each gathering of family and friends and even strangers
continues to celebrate the EXACT same thing that
was celebrated by the Pilgrims and Native Americans
all those many years ago.
We come together and
give thanks for the bounty of blessings
we all have received.
We celebrate each other and the
similarities and differences that we have
as a collective whole of being
ALL God's children.
May all who celebrate Thanksgiving
on this day find the peace that comes from
joining together in gratitude for knowing
that we are all very blessed.
 Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Nora said...

So well said Amy! Love your thoughts and table decorations! Nora


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