Monday, November 12, 2012

A Wrinkle In Time

One of my earliest memories I have as a child is sitting with my mom or dad and listening to them read me a story. I think I must have asked my mom to read me the same story book over and over again when I was four years old. I still have that book and I remember the exact way the words sounded as they rolled over my mothers lips like a whimsical song coming from a music box.
 In kindergarten, I remember the very first book fair that I ever went to. My mom had given me a dollar to spend and I bought a Clifford book for 95 cents. I still have that book too which is a first edition in the series.
 Another one of my favorite things to do as a little girl was going to the bookstore or library to pick out a new book to read. I remember the very first time I got a library card while visiting my Granny Bea in Mississippi. It was so magical to me to be able to check out books and take them home to read! On trips to the bookstore, I got to not only pick out a new book to read, but also a new bookmark for my book! I loved all types of books from Little Golden Books to the Little House on the Prairie Books to Nancy Drew. And yes, I still have ALL of my childhood books. My favorite book of all then and now is Little Women. Of course I still have the original copy I got when I was a girl, which has tear marked pages of where I sobbed for the very first time over the words I had read in a book.
  Books are wonderful transports which allow us to travel to other places, times, situations ,etc. as well as remind us of our own time line of life. Recently I was taking out the board books from both of my girls rooms in order to make room for the books they were getting as older children. While I looked through each of the baby books my girls had enjoyed, I remembered how they would sit curled in my lap listening to the stories. Each of these little books is special to me and my girls too and will be kept for future generations to enjoy just as my girls enjoy my childhood books today. In this day in age of Kindles and Nooks and i-Books, I still prefer the old fashioned paper editions of all of my favorite stories. Books will always hold a special place in my own wrinkle in time.

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