Friday, September 23, 2011

Have a Coke and a Smile!

So, OK, I will admit it! Going to "The World of Coca-Cola" was an extremely touristy thing to do.
We're, I guess, a little bit on the side of tourist nerds like that when our children are concerned. We look at it as taking them on a field trip, so to speak, and in general, we usually all have a good time and are happy that we took the touristy route.
I mean, if you think about it really, it sure would be a shame if I had never been to Graceland in Memphis just because it was a tourist trap and I was too cool being a native Memphian to go there.
And it would be equally a pity if Howie had never gone to the top of the Empire State Building just because he was a native New Yorker and he had seen it everyday that he was growing up.
 No, doing the tourist thing is not always a bad thing to do.
And while I am admitting it, I have also been to Rock City and Ruby Falls. So there!
 SO , yes, we went to the World of Coca-Cola and did have a good time.
 The girls especially liked tasting all the different kinds of Coca-Cola products from around the world.
It was a nice diversion to take before heading to the Braves game.


deb duty said...

I just did a post yesterday on when we went to the coke museum back in August! We loved it. Enjoyed your photos!

nancy said...

And, while y'all were there, I hope you had a "COKE"! Great pictures!

Elizabeth Ann said...

I actually haven't done many tourist things in New York. Not to sure if I want to. Maybe if I bring a tourist. I love the picture of Sophie with her glasses falling off. Its so silly.


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