Thursday, September 8, 2011

Door to Door Sales Girl

Knox County would be alarmed if they thought I was actually sending my six year old daughter out door to door to sell School Coupon Books. No, we just rely on Daddy's salesman expertise to get the job done. So far, Emma-Caroline is off to a good start in the quest to sell the most school coupon books at her school. I don't want to break it to her, but I think the kid whose dad was standing with him at Kroger selling coupon books may actually beat her to the prize. But a little girl can dream, can't she! Here's her expression when Howie told her how many she (or he) had already sold at work! Gotta love sales!


Sheri said...

How cute! Hope she wins. Have a blessed weekend.

nancy said...

That's my "brown-eyed girl"!!!

Elizabeth Ann said...

She looks so happy.


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