Friday, August 19, 2011

Family Fun Camp Night

It's been a little hectic this week here at our house. Those of you who have kiddos back in school feel my sentiments. When school starts back up, it's like the revving up of a turbo plane engine. There's the pain-staking groan as the engine slowly starts to turn, wincing from lack of use for a period of time. With each revolution, the engine grows stronger in it's purpose until it is whirring at full speed, ready and willing to do it's job! And just like the engine, so school begins. The moaning and groaning of getting out of bed at an hour way before the sun comes up, the slowness of getting back into a routine, the excitement and willingness to be doing something familiar but new as school becomes a part of who we are again. It's face paced, systematic, predictable. And we like it! To celebrate the first week of school, our church hosted a Family Fun Camp Night. The girls enjoyed crafts and games and roasting marshmallows with friends. It was nice being with friends and sharing back-to-school stories together. It's going to be a great school year!


Lana Kim White Austin said...

Oooohh....sounds like ya'll have been crazy busy!!! Enjoy these first few weeks of school and all the excitement of the new!!!!


paige said...

revving up engines for sure!
looks like a great time at the church camp night!


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