Friday, October 15, 2010

Disney 2010, Day 5

On Day 5 at Disney, we traveled over to Hollywood Studios. This part of Disney World is one of Howie's favorites.
We arrived at Hollywood and Vine to Dine with our friends from playhouse Disney. The kids were super excited to see Handy Manny, Special Agent Oso, and Leo and June from Little Einsteins.

After breakfast we took a back lot tour of Hollywood Studios where Vaiden and Howie became stars in an action motion picture. Later through the tour, we saw all sorts of cool props, costumes and sets that were used in actual movies. It was really cool.

We then continued our day on to Playhouse Disney and then on to Aerosmith's Rockin' Roller coaster and the Tower of Terror. While the boys rode their roller coasters, we girls went over to see Beauty and the Beast.
Later, the Taylors went back for more screams on the Tower of Terror and Squeals on the Rockin' Roller Coaster. We ended our day seeing Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and Lightening McQueen and Mater from Cars.
Another magical day at Disney complete!

2 comments: said...

Wonderful pictures....what much to do.....

The Knitter said...

Great pictures! I hadn't even thought of the Little Einsteins being there. :-)


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