Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Update on the Drama

Emma-Caroline and Howie just arrived back from the ER with the infamous bead tucked into Howie's pocket, a prescription for an antibiotic, and a stern warning to NEVER, NEVER do that again. Dr. Angela had to flush her ear out because the bead was so far down in her ear. Thankfully it came up. The antibiotic is for the inflammation caused by the bead to the sensitive tissue inside Emma-Caroline's ear. As far as an ER trip goes, this was very mild. I am thankful for that and hope to not have to go with the girls to the ER for a more serious matter. If you are just coming in on this post, see the post below for more details.


MaryBeth said...

Oh goodness! So sorry! I'm glad she is home and everything is okay now. Wes stuck a pencil eraser up his nose as a child and had to have it taken out at the ER. It seems we can't get through a Thanksgiving without one of his uncles bringing it up. LOL. Hopefully this will be one of those things you laugh about one day, but it sure is frustrating when you are in the midst of it!

{A*very} Blessed Life said...

Thanks MaryBeth! Emma-Caroline has sworn off the beads for now. At first we didn't believe her b/c we couldn't see it in there since it was clear! But after taking her outside to inspect it further, I saw a glimmer of the plastic bead. We will definitley use this one as a story for later in her life.

Amanda said...

Glad everything worked out ok and on the bright side that is a GREAT photograph to commemorate the occasion:).

Nancy said...

Amy & Howie - I know you are glad they got the bead out with no harm done. That will be a lesson well learned for Emma-Caroline and, hopefully, for Sophie, too.

Love you all .... Mom


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