Monday, August 23, 2010

The Littlest Monet

Emma-Caroline has always had a love of art. At two, she painted our family's portrait which included all of us and her Godmother Kristen. I know she is my child, but I was impressed. The other day I watched her as she took Sophie's Angelina Ballerina doll and studied her while replicating her image on paper. She has had no formal art lessons, so the fact that she has begun to study and replicate an image on her own is an indicator that she may have some true natural artistic ability. Her drawings for a five year old are right in line with other five year olds, but it's the way she draws that makes me think I may have a budding Monet. I am not surprised in her love for art as both my dad and my mom are amazing artists. So, art classes may be in order in the near future. In the mean time, I will enjoy the beautiful work she produces displayed in our own refridgerater art gallery.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Dear Emma-Caroline ... I hope that you will be able to take art lessons one day. I am takine some lessons now and I am really enjoying them. You are a very good artist and show lots of expression. Keep on drawing and painting. Love ... Nana


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