Monday, August 16, 2010

And So It Begins . . .Friendship

Today on the playground at Emma-Caroline's new school, I watched as my almost Kindergartner bounded onto the playground in sheer delight amongst the children who are going to be a part of her Kindergarten class this year. Amongst the new faces, she encountered a couple of familiar ones to whom she instantly gravitated.
In watching her and her friends call each others names, while laughing and running from slides, to swings, to monkey bars, I couldn't help but feel a sense of tingling in knowing that these girls are going to be Emma-Caroline's lifelong friends. And how do I really know that? I just do. Call it a mother's intuition, but I know that these girls are going to be as "thick as thieves" for their whole lives through. It makes me happy, abundantly joyful to be more exact, to know that my daughter will have such great friends whom she will experience so many wonderful things with. This is what it is all about. This is the blessing God has given her, friendships, for which I am truly grateful!
Emma-Caroline and Andie. We are blessed to have Andie and her family as our friends at school and church!
Sweet girls!
Running for the swings!
Swinging high with our new neighborhood and school friend Sadie Parker
Love these sweet faces!
Showing off our skills!
Three little peas in a pod! So blessed!


Nancy said...

Those are some beautiful pictures. I think you are right, Amy, about the lifelong friendship. I can't believe how grown up you have become, Emma-Caroline. I am so proud of you! I love you ... Nana

Brenda Ledbetter said...

That is awesome. You do remember these friendships forever. I ran into a friend from the past of many years ago when I was about that age, at Home Depot, she had moved away during our youth, it was awesome seeing her again.

Much love,
Aunt Brenda

notes of em said...

Oh Amy, What a fun post to stumble on when finding your blog!
I second all your thought on their friendship. Drew and I have been praying for a long time for Sadie Parker and her school friendships, and their families. We are so thankful to have met you all and are so happy that the girls have become fast friends.
I cant wait to hear how today went!


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