Sunday, June 14, 2009

Going on a Wild Goose Chase

Today we went on a wild goose, or rather house wren, chase. Earlier in the year, a couple of house wrens had again built a nest on our screened in porch. Six little birds hatched and left the nest and it was left unoccupied, or so I thought. Today, I heard a tweeting sound and decided to look into the nest only to startle a mother wren who flew out and into our open house door.
Thus began the chase, through the kitchen, into the family room up to the vaulted foyer, into our master bedroom with more vaulted ceilings, into the master bath with still more vaulted ceilings, into our own pet bird Paulo's cage(which scared him half to death), out into the hallway and into Emma-Caroline's room where she was finally captured in a toy cooking pot with lid.
While Mrs. House Wren was in EC's room, I decided to snap a few pictures as I am always on the hunt for new blog material.
And so here it is, my blog post about our "Wild Goose Chase" through the Avery house in pursuit of a poor scared little house wren.
Mrs. House Wren is feeling better by the way, and is right now recounting her story to Mr. House Wren who I am sure is getting an ear full.

1 comment:

Brenda Ledbetter said...

That is so cute!!! I am glad you were able to help her back to her home with Mr. Wren. I guess Emma-Caroline and Sophie Rose were quite amused at the chase.

Take care,
Aunt Brenda


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