Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Crying It Out

Tonight I let Sophie cry herself to sleep as she screamed "My 'racas"(My maracas). It felt terrible to just let her cry and scream so desperately wanting the maracas that I wouldn't let her sleep with. I have always gone in to soothe her and put her back down to sleep. Each night it seems I go in there at least 10 times if not more. I suppose it started out as an attempt to keep her from waking up Emma-Caroline with her cries. Recently though, Sophie screamed at the top of her lungs while Emma-Caroline lay fast asleep not even flinching at the blood-curdling screams Sophie was belting out. At that point I decided, well, maybe I should just let her "cry it out." It still feels terrible to hear your baby crying, even if it is for the " 'racas." I'll go in there in a little while just to make sure she's covered up and that she has her baby doll.


Sarah said...

Maybe Sophie and Jake should room together this week. I'm doing the same thing.

Amanda said...

I know it is so hard. We had to do it at 9 months with Chloe when neither she nor I were getting any sleep. Now she goes right to sleep and sleeps great. Hang in there! My neice used to cry out in the middle of the night for chocolate milk, LOL. They pick the strangest things.

Brenda Ledbetter said...

Al did that for one night when he was about 9mo's old. We let him cry it out, it wasn't long though. Afterwards when we put him in his bed he would flop down and go to sleep right away. It was funny and cute at the time, but he did learn quickly. Bryce on the other hand never got broke from his bad habbit of showing us when he was ready for sleep, I think he could stay awake for days and not feel sleepy, at that time I thought he may make a good the future because they usually run on little sleep. Kids sure are re awesome!!!

Aunt Brenda


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