Monday, February 7, 2011

Approaching Fifteen

This lovely lady is about to have a birthday next Monday. Now, she wouldn't be happy about me disclosing her age because she is a lady after all and true ladies never reveal their age. But this special young lady is going to be 15 on February 14th, Valentine's Day.
Lucy entered our lives as a fur ball of spirited joy while I was still in college and she was just a puppy. I had one more month to live in the dorms before I moved to my very own apartment and I was not about to pass this little girl up. So she and I went to classes together with her asleep in my LL Bean navy blue backpack, just under my three letter monogram.
Lucy has always been a very classy dog (Yes, y'all, your eyes do not fail you, Lucy is wearing hair bows and a beaded necklace) and enjoys a good pedicure and tail brushing. Don't even mention the time she came home with her tail shaved like a feather duster, it is a source of embarrassment she would rather forget. Lucy is a barker at all things that don't seem like they should be near her home; mailman, UPS man, FedEx lady, pizza guy . . . no one escapes the bark of Lucy. She is also the Alpha dog to all dogs and sometimes even humans when food is involved. Lucy is also a very well traveled dog having lived in Phoenix, AZ, Salem, OR, Austin, TX and Knoxville, TN and having ridden through all the states in between in the front cab of a moving truck.
At almost 15, Lucy is still a spry dog, and we love her dearly. I really don't know what our lives would be like without her. Happy almost birthday, dear Lucy! One steak and kibble coming up!


Lana Kim White Austin said...

1. I pray that you are feeling all better!!!!
2. Happy Birthday (upcoming) to your precious dog!!!!
3. I LOVE the bird photos!!!
4. Thank you as always for your kind comments. I'm trying to learn more about using my snazzy camera and wanted to take photos of my house/architecture *before* I get to Italy in a few days!
5. YOU ROCK!!!
MANY blessings to you,

Nancy said...

Aaahhhh .... there's my Lucy girl. As always, she's looking beautiful. Lucy was my first granddog, and she has always had a special place in my heart. When I go for a visit, she usually is beside herself with little squeals and howls of joy. I have to say, she always makes me feel welcome. When Lucy was a baby, she would sleep on her back beside Amy ... such a cute little tike she was, and now as an adult she very often sleeps on her back. I think very early in life she grasped the idea that she was human and has never come to the realization that she's not one of us. She knows there's such a thing as a "DOG", but not her. This is where she probably developed her alpha attitude.

Thank you, Lucy, for taking care of and protecting the Avery family all these years ... but mostly for just being you.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY my sweet little Valentine. I love you, Lucy!!! ..... Nana

patty said...

there's nothing like the love of a pet, especially after so many years! she's adorable~

Brenda Ledbetter said...

Lucy has been one lucky little animal/although almost human like.
I remember the time when she was so active, and ran away when we were leaving to go to your undergraduate graduation from UT. Howie was so kind to run after her and be late for the graduation, but he got Lucy back home. That was awesome!!! Many years have gone by since then and she matured into a wonderful and very calm Lucy.

Kat said...

What a sweet girl! Great photos!


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