Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Avery House Holiday Home Tour

I have never taken the opportunity to "show off" my home for an official holiday home tour. There are many people whose homes out there look like they could be in Southern Accents or Southern Living. If my home were featured in a magazine (laugh), the title may be "Home Spun Holiday" or "Hodge-Podge Christmas." At any rate, I do not profess to be a Christmas decor guru, however, I do like how my house looks for the holidays. The day I took the decorations down, I snapped a few photos for a last minute remembrance of what our house looks like for Christmas. Here is my make-shift holiday home tour.
I. The Dining Room
 II. The Keeping Room
 "If You give a Mouse a Cookie" Christmas Tree we bought one year at the Fantasy of Trees benefit for Children's Hospital.
 Emma-Caroline's Nativity she made as a 3 year old.
 Sophie's Nativity that she made as a 3 year old.
 Sophie's Christmas tree plate that she made for us this year.
 III. The Family Room
 IV. The Play Room
Oh, how I am giggling to myself about this little home tour. It's very incomplete, and in this last picture, Emma-Caroline said, "Mommy! What are you doing????" Precisely my sentiments!


paige said...

amy!!! it's gorgeous!!!!

nancy said...

Your home is so beautiful! So glad I was invited to be there for Christmas! Thank you all!

Elizabeth Ann said...

I wish I could see it in person.


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