Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Holiday Express and a Special Visit

This weekend, Continental Airlines delivered special visitors from New York City. Howie's mom, Grandma Beverly, and his sister Rhonda came to visit us here in The New Avery House.
They brought with them some colder New York City temperatures and a little bit of New York City Snow. It's been wonderful having a little bit of a winter wonderland to enjoy with our family.
We have also enjoyed reading lots of books and visiting while sitting nestled by a cozy fire that Howie so masterfully built for us.
We always like to show off our own Knoxville City to our New York City family and so on Saturday, we took a special ride on the Holiday Express in Downtown .
I have to say that THIS. was. one. of. the. BEST. things. to do at Christmas time in Knoxville!!!
Boarding the train was like getting on the real Polar Express, and in my mind that is exactly where we were.
Through this little photo essay, come with us on our magical journey on the Holiday Express. You'll have a magical time!
The train was beautifully decorated with Christmas ornaments and trees which added to the magical experience.
These two little sweet passengers were so excited to be on the Holiday Express!
And so was this Mommy!
Grandma Beverly and Aunt Rhonda were also excited to ride the Holiday Express!
As the train whistle sounded both of my girls were super thrilled!
They could not contain their excitement for the train ride or . . .
the yummy goodies of cookies, goldfish, candy and hot chocolate. Yummy!
Emma-Caroline was mesmerized by the view outside the train window.
And just like in the Polar Express, the conductor came by to punch our tickets and . . .
to take a quick picture with two sweet little girls.

Midway through the ride, we stopped for a Christmas story and . . .
a visit from the Man in the Red Suit!
Sophie was sooooo excited as she waited her turn to see Santa and . . .
to receive her "First Gift of Christmas!"
The girls also got to take a nice photo with Santa before deboardieng the Holiday Express. As we left we took a quick family picture with one of Knoxville's famous landmarks as our backdrop, the Henley Street Bridge.
We had a wonderful day full of love and excitement. We will be back soon with more fun and holiday happenings!


patty said...

i popped over here b/c i saw your NYC style B&W cookies at edie's, a childhood favorite of mine, and thought anyone who can bake those is a friend of mine! ;o...
then, i saw that you live in knoxville, and you run, and your photos are fab, and i'm thinking surely our paths MUST have crossed somewhere... and we just didn't know it.
*your B&W train shot, family shot and the colored xmas balls are my favorite... beautiful!
my main blog:

Brenda Ledbetter said...

The pictures are awesome. I love seeing Rhonda and Howie's Mom enjoying their visit with you all, that is so special. Have a great Holiday time being together. The pictures are great!!! Makes me want to be there too.

Love always,
Aunt Brenda - Memphis, TN

Nancy said...

Thank you for the ride. I could actually feel the excitment on the Holiday Express as I looked at the pictures. All were so sweet and beautiful. And, the pictures with Grandma Beverly and Aunt Rhonda are precious. Beautiful memories!

Elizabeth Ann said...

Looks like fun.


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