Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Grinch Who Stole Christmas!

Am I the only parent out there that feels like the Grinch when it comes to parenting children during the holidays? Please tell me that I am not alone! I know that it is so very hard to be little, it is, especially when there are so many things to distract your attention during the holiday season. But at the end of the day, regular rules of the household need to be followed in order for us to all get along together. Here are some of the most recent Grinchy comments made by yours truly here in The Avery House:
No, you can not have a candy cane right after you have just brushed your teeth and it's time for bed!
No, you can't stay up to watch Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer!
(Why do the networks insist on starting children's Christmas programs so late?
Don't they know we have an 8:00 0'clock bed time?)
No, you can't have Christmas cookies for breakfast!
No, you can't string lights on the dog and plug her in!
Please stop using the baby Jesus as a hacky sack toy!
Glitter and glue do not belong in your sister's hair-
I know you thought you'd make her all sparkly, but this is not the way!
No, you can not ride the lighted reindeer in the front yard.
Please, please, please don't try and climb the Christmas tree again!
No, the dogs may not have a candy cane
and no their poop will not smell like a candy cane if they eat one!
And my list is sure to go on as this season continues.

So you see my dilemma. Am I the Grinch who Stole Christmas??? Well, I certainly hope not. I really don't feel like my heart is 3 sizes too small. I mean, I am sure my little Cindy-Lou-Who's would probably disagree with me and say, "You're a mean one Mrs. Grinch!" But there has to be some semblance of order in the house, right? Please tell me I am right! Otherwise, well, I guess I will just accept my fate as being a Grinch!


Sarah Harper said...

Dear Amy,

Your kids are happy and you are a great mom. Stop worrying and enjoy the season! :)

nancy said...

Know, you're not the Grinch who stole Christmas, but the girls ARE FOR SURE REALLY CREATIVE!!! ... especially the idea of stringing lights on the dog and plugging her in!!!! Wow ... I know I'll be dreaming about that tonight ... or maybe nightmareing about that tonight!!!!! Ha ha ha ha ho ho ho!!! Never a dull moment at The Avery House!!!!!!

nancy said...

I meant "Noooo, you're not the Grinch who stole Christmas...." not "Know...."


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