Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

 Two years ago, Emma-Caroline came home from preschool all a flutter about how the leprechauns had gotten into the toys and books and had strewn them all over her classroom. They had also turned the milk green and had left gold coins and goodies for the kids to find. What??? I was shocked! I had never heard of the leprechauns doing such things. Apparently I was in the dark about the happenings of the little men in green in the classrooms around Knoxville.
 At the time, Emma-Caroline asked me if the leprechauns were going to be visiting our house. I was in a quandary. I didn't want to disappoint Emma-Caroline and her expectations of the funny things the leprechaun might do at our house, but we were getting ready to put our home on the market to sell and I wasn't about to have a leprechaun "mess up" my house! The leprechaun instead visited the back of Howie's car leaving treats and goodies for the girls in all colors of the rainbow. Thus began our leprechaun tradition here at the Avery House.
 Leprechauns do indeed come to our house, but they are particularly fond of Howie's Volvo and leaving treats for the girls there. Fast forward to yesterday afternoon. We picked Sophie up at preschool and she couldn't stop talking about those silly leprechauns and all of the stuff they had done in her classroom. Last night, Sophie said, "Mommy, do you think the leprechauns are going to pinch me in my sleep?" Just to be sure that they wouldn't, Sophie dressed herself in a green tinker bell night gown.
 This morning, the leprechauns did not disappoint. Outside in the back of Howie's Volvo station wagon were all sorts of goodies for the girls left by the leprechaun.
 Sophie squealed in delight that the leprechauns had been to our house. I actually don't think I've ever seen her more excited! I'm so glad we celebrate this little tradition at our house now. It's so much fun!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!


nancy said...

Oh, those little leprchauns, how they do love to surprise you! This is so cute and such a happy idea. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you all!

Agrestic Designs said...

Ha! I just wrote a post on Sweethearts about this little tradition. I had never heard of such a thing! Last year was our first experience with celebrating it, and both kids have been so excited about it all week. Who knew? Glad the girls had such a great day too!


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