Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Diva Days!

I have heard many friends, who have 3 year olds or have had a three year old, that the three's are much more terrible than the two's in a child's life. I am starting to fear that this may be true in our little Sophie. Although she is still two years and almost nine months old, the "terrible three's" are starting to rear their ugly heads. Our sweet, easy going, little Sophie is starting to become a Super Diva in her own right with out right demands, throw-down tantrums, and blatant stubbornness. It's, by no other words, simply exhausting to be the person on the receiving end of her Diva capades. As in all things, I am reminded of the wise words I use to hear my grandmother say, "This too shall pass." But, with that being said, I will take it all in stride and take the "Diva" stage for what it's worth, a time for my little girl to exert her independence and to learn how to be in the world with patient parental guidance.


Amanda said...

Great picture!

MaryBeth said...

Oh goodness! I hope the 3's aren't too bad. I hear people say that either the 2's or the 3's were bad, but usually not both. For us the end of 2's beginning of 3's were the hardest times. You sound like you have a great perspective though...trying to embrace those times (because we know they'll be gone in a flash!) Good luck :)


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