Wednesday, October 7, 2009


In our neighborhood, we have had a long standing tradition of "Booing" each other during the month of October. If you haven't ever participated in this little festive activity, it involves secretly taking little treats to two friends who in turn pass treats on to two other friends until the entire neighborhood has been "Booed" with Halloween treats. It's fun, and now that Emma-Caroline and Sophie understand more about this little tradition, they were eager to get their Boo goody bags out to two special friends in the neighborhood. We have yet to be "Booed," but I am seeing that the spirit is starting to fill the neighborhood with Halloween treats and happy boos.

"Booing"the neighbors.
Ringing the doorbell.
Running away so the "Boo" will be a surprise. Sophie didn't quite get this part yet.


Brenda Ledbetter said...

That is so cute. Have a happy October month.

Aunt Brenda
"Boo!" from Memphis

Anonymous said...

Thats really cute. I wish I lived somewhere they do that. Maybe Sophie wanted to be the treat. I wouldn't mind. Happy October.


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