Thursday, May 21, 2009

Avery House Beginnings

Howie and I met each other in the summer of 1995 while we were in college at UT. We were both RA's and in training before the start of the new year. In those days, Howie wore his hair long, tanned for the better part of the day and spoke with a very thick New York accent
(A picture of Howie that I took when we first met.
This was not his car, but don't you think it should have been?)
The moment I saw him and heard that New York accent, I was in love. We became friends and later started dating. Our first date was at the Hermitage room at UT on Howie's bonus bucks. It was a wonderful first date, and I will always treasure the fact that Howie didn't let his lack of money keep him from wanting to take me out to lunch and show me a good time. As we are getting ready to celebrate our 11th wedding anniversary, I am so happy that I met that boy from New York. It has been a wonderful 14 years and counting.


Brenda Ledbetter said...

I remember meeting Howie for the 1st time when we came to Knoxville. He had long hair then. I thought he was so handsome and that you had made a great choice in friendship and love. He was quite a gentleman to all of us and also Howie was very attentive to Bryce, my younger son who had a somewhat spoiled attitude at that time, so Howie won Bryce over and kept him on tack when we all were together, that meant so much to me.

I am so happy you chose Howie. Your life has been storybook to all of us. Your beautiful home life and beautiful children are precious. This all happened because the two of you found each other.

I love Howie's New York accent too. When we come and visit I always leave with such a warm feeling in my minds memory.

I wish you the very best for now and the future. Happy Anniversary on the 23rd of May, 2009.

My blessings are with you always, LOVE,
Aunt Brenda
Memphis, Tennessee

Amanda said...

Happy Anniversary! I LOVE the pic! I would have never guessed he had hair that long.

Kelly said...

Ames this is so cute =) I love you both <3

rhonda said...

my moms has a picture displayed of howie taken about the same time with him standing by a river. I remember when my family met amy for the first time it was a few months before they got married they drove to nyc so we could and brought lucy along with them. she seemed to be a wonderful person and we loved her southern drawl. they seemed so happy together. I can't wait to see the blog again when you folks are married 50 years.have a wonderful day on the 23rd

Pam said...

Congratulations and Happy Anniversary!

Hope you have a wonderful day.

I love you both!

Courtney said...

Happy Anniversary! We just celebrated our anniversary, it is fun to look back. You have such a beautiful family!


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