Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A new Noun and Verb

Emma-Caroline sharing her Nigh-Nigh with Ellie.

Emma-Caroline's most prized possession is her "Nigh-Nigh" or her blanket. It is so named because as we used to lay her down in her crib at night, Howie and I would cover her with her blanket and say, "Night, Night!" Emma-Caroline associated that phrase with her blanket, hence "Nigh-Nigh" became her name for it. It's not just any old blanket . It has to be the right texture of silkiness on the edges and back or it is tossed to the side until the correct one is presented for her to sleep with. Emma-Caroline even requested that I monogram one of her blankets with the word "Nigh-Nigh" in the corner. She now has four special "Nigh-Nigh's" and some others that just don't pass the silky test. The other night, Emma-Caroline said to Howie, "Daddy, I can't "silky" my "Nigh-Nigh". You have it turned wrong." She meant she couldn't feel the silky edge of her blanket and snuggle with it before she went to sleep. So now we have two new words for the Avery House English Language Dictionary:

Nigh-nigh: Noun: a special blanket
Silky: Verb: to rub the edge of a satin blanket and cuddle with it.


Amanda said...

We have a special blanket too. It's called "blue blankie" and he's actually a member of the family. He gets hugs and kisses at bedtime and he feels "lonely" when we leave him at home. Unfortunately for us, only the one and only blue blankie is acceptable although there is one other at my mom's house that will work in a real bind and it is "blue blankie's cousin".

Brenda Ledbetter said...

Emma-Caroline was so sweet to share her nigh-nigh with me when I was cold one evening when she was visiting Memphis, I thought that was so sweet.
Al, my older son, had a bear that he loved. One day the bear got rained on and ruined, when I didn't realize it was outside. Al, cried and cried and I bought a new one for him, but he quickly knew it wasn't the real original bear; after it got old he loved it as if it was the old original bear. I don't remember what Bryce, my younger son liked the best. I do know that we had a hard time breaking him of wanting to crawl into bed with us at night. Bryce would always wake up again after we thought he was asleep and we would discover later in the night that he had crawled into bed with us. I guess we were his security blanket back then. Bryce is so independent now, we hardly see him when he is home. He likes being on his own, it is awesome and also sorta-sad to me how children grow up so quickly. Always cherish the moments, that is for sure.

Enjoy your children as much as you can while they are young they are grown before you know it. That statement seemed so far fetched for me back then, but now it seems like the times were just yesterday.

Aunt Brenda

{A*very} Blessed Life said...

Thanks Aunt Brenda and Amanda for your sharing your own stories! I love hearing from you all!


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