Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Miss Smarty Pants

Emma-Caroline is hooking up her camera to the TV.
She got it to display on the screen after this picture was made.

I had always heard that one day you will realize that your child is smarter than you, but I never knew it would be so soon. Today, Emma-Caroline brought me a pair of cables that go with her camera. She wanted me to download her pictures to the computer, but I told her the cables she had were for her to connect her camera to the TV. The next thing I knew, she had flipped open the panel I didn't even know existed on the front of the TV and had connected her camera to it. When I asked her what she was doing she simply said, "Oh just hooking my camera up to the TV. See those colors, Mommy, you have to match them up." Now how did she know that? I called Howie and he said that he hasn't shown her how to do it, so she figured it out all by herself. Pretty smart little 3 year old! She then got it all working as if it were just that easy! She definitely is her G-Daddy's granddaughter. She has no fear of technology and can tinker with something until she figures out how it works. I'm so glad I have a member of the "Geek Squad" right in my own house!

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