Your heart was broken today.
And my heart was broken too.
Has this started already?
This loss of innocence
that the world is not all cotton candy
and pink fairy dust?
That the friend you call your best
will tell you that she doesn't
want to be friends anymore?
You grieve, your heart hurts.
And I hurt with you.
How could it be that you woke up
with a song in your heart,
And came home with
a woeful heaviness.
Oh, my sweet girl
Such is life.
Tomorrow brings a new beginning when
Your sweet heart will sing once more.
And although it is sadly true that
your heart will break many more times,
This first time was the hardest
For both of us.
That sentiment brought tears to my eyes and a sense of the feeling of heartbreak in my heart. It is a lesson learned though..., to rise above it and refresh ourself with new adventures, although not always good..., but as we turn each corner of life and as we walk the pathway of life we can look back and say I survived the tough times.
God Bless My Beautiful Sweet and Innocent Young Emma-Caroline and all who face a heartbreak now and in the future..., know you have strength in a walk of faith in God and yourself to stay strong in the heartwrenching moments.
Love always,
Aunt Brenda - Memphis, Tennessee
I'm so sorry, Amy! That is a terrible thing to see your child's heart broken. As you said, though, it has to happen. It's just life. And we could never protect them from all of that, even though we will continue to try.
This has happened to Max and I have at least been thankful during those times for a chance to show him how totally there for him I am, so that *maybe* he will still feel like he can come to me when he is a teenager. ... Also (and I'm sure you know this from your teacher experience) ... kids don't mean what they say at that age. They just say stuff to see what impact it has. They'll probably be best friends again next week.
hugs ~ Sarah
Thanks Aunt Brenda and Sarah for your sweet comments. Emma-Caroline did go to school today and was friends once more with her little friend. I knew that her friend would be her friend again, but I just was so sad for my sweet girl that her heart hurt. It is true that self-confidence and a strong faith will be what I pray she leans on as she grows older and is faced wiht other situations which hurt her heart. ANd i also hope that she will always come to me as she did yesterday for comfort and reassurance.
Amy - I am so glad that Emma-Caroline's heart has been mended today, and she once more feels the joy of friendship with this little friend of hers. It is one of life's lessons that we all must face, but as a wise friend of mine told me many years ago, ".... if you close your heart to prevent it from being hurt, you will not experience the many joys that life will ultmately bring you ..." In other words, to live life to the fullest, we have to experience the good with the bad. I know that you will teach your daughters this, because you have always faced life head-on and have experienced many heartbreaks in your life. But, as your mother, I understand how you feel, and I, too, hope that you will always come to me when you are hurt. I will try to comfort you, as you have Emma-Caroline.
Amy, Ive followed your blog for a while without comment but decided that today deserved one! What great advice for your sweet daughter! Heather
I'm so glad Emma Caroline is happy again. She is such a beautiful girl...I'm sure she will break some hearts along the way...for she will certainly have many guys fall for her when she reaches the age of dating and before she chooses the right person for herself.
I commend Emma-Caroline for having such a forgiving heart, that is so awesome. Always keep that forgiving spirit it is a special trait to behold!!! And, it is so special that she has such a loving mother who she can turn to for those times of comfort and confidence to express her pain as well as her joy.
Love you all always,
Aunt Brenda
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