Sunday, January 23, 2011

Becoming a "Photographer"

Saturday morning, I went to the Knoxville Junior League Provisional retreat with my daily planner, mug of coffee, and my camera slung over my shoulder. As I plopped my camera down on my group's table, someone asked, "Oh is that your camera?" to which I cheerfully replied "Yes,"  because this group of ladies has become a welcome source of encouragement to me over this past several get-to-know-you months. I told them a little about the 365 Project during our conversation about our "Bucket Lists" and was given encouraging replies and reactions as I disclosed further information about my goal for myself over the next year in this project.
For the first time in all of this, I embraced the idea that I AM a photographer. Maybe I am not Ansel Adams, but in my own right, I am a photographer. And I liked the sound of that in my head. I have no ambitions of becoming a paid photographer, but I do like to document the world as it happens before me and I delight in the surprises that I find on my camera at the end of each day when I download my photos on to my computer.
In college I remember the same feeling when I took a film photography class. My favorite part of the class was finding out what I had captured on film in the development process. It was like magic to watch those images appear before my eyes in the development solution in the dark room.
Saturday, I took a more artistic approach with my photos and seemed to focus on that which was red and blue. Interesting, how we are drawn to a particular combination of colors.
It  was also a day of "tinkering" with my camera settings to see if I could get it "just right."
Although this project I have embarked upon may seem daunting at times, I am actually really enjoying it as well as getting photos like these that I got today.
Taking photos really makes my heart happy and as long as I am having fun and learning something from this project, what more can a girl ask for!


Pam said...

You are a great photographer! You have such an eye for colors. Keep it up!

Love you!

Sarah Harper said...

Woweeee, Amy! You are good!

It was fun seeing you today. Thanks for taking pics for me! Hope to see you again soon



p.s. Cate has been playing w/ the princess book for the last hour ...

Nancy said...

Oh, Amy, yes, you are a great photographer AND a great writer, as I've said before. Reading your blog is like reading a chapter or even a few pages out of your colorful life. Everyday, I feel like I'm picking up a good book to read. A good book with PICTURES!!!!

Brenda Ledbetter said...


The photography and the stories are so neat..., you make them come alive. You certainly have that special talent that it takes to capture images, colors and a story line. Awesome!!!!!

Aunt Brenda - Memphis TN


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