You may not be a fan of chocolate covered cherries, but I promise, you may look at them in a whole new light after you read this little Christmas story. When I was a little girl, my grandmother who I affectionately called "Mema," would sew beautiful outfits for me to wear not only for holidays, but also for everyday play. Mema was an amazing seamstress and I used to love watching her cut out a pattern on the dining room table with her silver Singer scissors and then carefully pinning the pieces together pulling each straight pin one-by-one out of her pursed lips until the garment she was making was ready to be sewn. One Christmas when I was six years old, I watched as my Mema worked tirelessly to make several beautiful little girls dresses, pants, and finally a red nightgown with lace sewn to the sleeves and a matching robe. I just knew that those beautiful clothes had to be for me, but when I asked her, my Mema replied, "No Amy, these are for another little girl." I understood, but still secretly wished at least the night gown and robe were for me. The clothes my Mema had so carefully sewn turned out to be a gift for one of our cousins who was two years younger than me. I was actually excited after my Mema had wrapped up the gifts that we were taking them to Betty's house for her granddaughter. I knew that I too should be receiving something as equally special as the presents we were giving, and I couldn't wait to see what they were! When it was time to exchange gifts, Joanne received several gifts from us, and I received one gift from my Mema. I was confused, but maybe my one gift was something
really special! I tore open the white paper with green and red holly on it and stared at it in disappointment. It was a box of chocolate covered cherries. I was hurt and angry. Why had Joanne gotten three gifts of beautiful clothes and I had only gotten a box of chocolate covered cherries. Boldly, I asked, "Are there any other presents for me?" My Mema took me onto her lap and whispered, "No Amy, this is your present from me. I thought of you when I bought these because they are sweet and cheery, like you." She must have seen my confused look and whispered again, "Joanne's Daddy lost his job, and they don't have much this Christmas, so we are giving them our Christmas." Somehow, at six, I understood what she meant. It was a hard time for Joanne's family and we were making their Christmas more bright by sharing a little of ours with them. I shared my chocolate covered cherries with everyone at Betty's house that afternoon and played with Joanne until it was time to go home. Every year after that, my Mema always gave me a box of chocolate covered cherries. Sometimes there was a ten dollar bill taped to the top, sometimes a dollar, and sometimes nothing at all. But the more valuable and priceless gift that my Mema gave me each year was that box of cherries which symbolized the true spirit of Christmas giving. My Mema was an amazing lady who I loved with my whole heart. Although she is not here to give that box of cherries to me each year, I still receive a box from Howie, who is so sweet to continue the tradition in her honor. And I always remember that on the First Christmas our Lord Jesus Christ was given to us as a gift of Light and Life. It is more important to give than to receive, to serve others in His name than to be served. This is the true spirit of Christmas giving that was taught to me through the simple gift of chocolate covered cherries that my Mema gave to me when I was six years old. May your Christmas be bright and Merry as we remember the gift of our Lord Jesus and the true spirit of Christmas giving!
Amy that is so sweet, I almost cried when I got to the part that Howie continues the legacy that Mama started many years ago. I never knew this, how sweet and kind to continue this in the awesome memory and fact of life mama left with you many years ago. I will remember this always. I also will think of Christmas in the light you have shed on it today..., one can get so busy that it takes reading something as you wrote to put it all back into perspective and know and honor the true meaning of Christmas and giving in a true and meaningful way.
Love you always,
Aunt Brenda - Memphis
So sweet! I'm haven't ever really been a fan of chocolate covered cherries, but they remind me so much of my grandfather. He loved them, and we gave them to him every year and I remember the huge smile on his face when he would break out the red box and offer us some. I would always take one :)
Amy, that is a very sweet story. I never heard that before. Mama ws an incredible Mother and left us with do msny special memories that will live forever in our hearts.
You also are making special memories for Emma Caroline and Sofie. I think you get some if your motherly way from Mana (Memaw).
Merry Christmas
Love you and all the great homemaking you are doing for your family. How special!!!!!
Love Aunt Linda
Absolutely PRECIOUS and so true! Thanks for sharing!!
That is a really pretty story. I don't like cherries like that but i love the sweet syrup in them. I bite the top, drink the liquid and eat the chocolate. On occasion i eat the cherry.
Amy - would you believe I've been eating those chocolate covered cherries for the last two days. I thought my sweet tooth had left me, but not when it comes to those little delicacies. I love your story, and Mema definitely had the true spirit of Christmas giving. When we were little, she always gave every child in the neighborhood a special gift that she had made. She was probably the most giving person on this earth. I'm sure she's up there in heaven right now sewing something for God's angels. What beautiful memories we all have of her.
Well, I remember another story about the chocalate covered cherries that involves our sweet Lucy. You might want to share that one sometime or maybe not.
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