Saturday, December 11, 2010

Jingle Bell Run 2010

Last November I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, an autoimmune form of arthritis that causes severe pain in the joints as well as rapid deformation if left untreated. Basically the body attacks the joints as if it were a foreign presence. RA can rapidly debilitate a person and chooses to strike young children, older people and anyone in between. OK, so this is not a PSA about rheumatoid arthritis, but rather a testimony of gratitude that I was born in this day and age and have so many wonderful treatments out there to help me cope with my disease. The same year I received my diagnosis of RA, I participated in the Jingle Bell Run to benefit the Arthritis Foundation. This wonderful organization provides research and support to millions of people who are suffering from all forms of arthritis and is the reason there are so many known treatments for arthritis. People still suffer every day from arthritis. I do. But my life is much better because of the medications I am able to take because of the research provided by doctors and scientist who are supported by the Arthritis Foundation.
I appreciate all the support I have received from friends, family and the Arthritis Foundation in helping me to live the best life I can live with less pain. I am thankful too that I can help support the Arthritis Foundation through participating in the Jingle Bell Run.
This year I again had a team of 1. I was The Southern Jingle Belle. I hope next year to have more members on my team so that we are truly The Southern Jingle Belles. But I still had a wonderful time! And thanks to my supporters, I raised over $400 for the Arthritis Foundation. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Below is my photo archive of my participation in the Jingle Bell Run 2010.
Santa was even there supporting the Arthritis Foundation.
All participants tied jingle bells to their shoes.
It was absolutely an awesome day to walk in downtown Knoxville!
It was amazing to see all the participants!

The walkers in the race started after the runners.
It was wonderful to finish the Jingle Bell run and know I had done it! Thanks again everyone! I am truly blessed!


Nancy said...

My dear Amy - I just want you to know how wonderful I think you are for taking such an active part in supporting the research and treatment for Arthritis. Although it hurts me greatly that you have this disease, I am very proud of you for not just sitting around feeling sorry for yourself. It is people like you who take the bull by the horn and fight to help others and eventually find a cure. I think you are very brave, a wonderful role model, and a great inspiration to all of us. You've always had a lot of spunk and energy to get things done, and I love you all the more for it. Thank you for being my daughter. Love you always ... Mom

Brenda Ledbetter said...

Very well said Nancy. Amy I think you are a real inspiration for all of us. I am very proud of you. I know the illness is very painful but as your mom says you take the bull by the horns and fight back to stay as healthy and a much needed role model for everyone.

God Bless You!!!


Aunt Brenda - Memphis


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