Monday, February 24, 2014

Living Character

Since Emma-Caroline and Sophie have been in elementary school, I have been very impressed with the pillars of character that the school teaches to it's students through the Character Counts program. It has always been important to me that the girls not only be taught about values and good character qualities at home, but also that they learn to practice those traits in the real world. Bearden Elementary allows its students to put the pillars of "Trustworthiness," "Respect," "Responsibility," "Fairness," "Caring," and "Citizenship" into practice each day in real life situations.

This semester, Emma-Caroline was awarded a Charter Counts certificate for exhibiting all six pillars of character. Ms. Murphy gave us a chuckle when she said that Emma-Caroline could run her classroom for her. Ms. Murphy's class also won a Character Counts award for exemplifying the pillars of character in art class.
We feel very blessed that both of our girls are able to learn about and practice values that we also teach in our home as well as learn about and practice at church. I feel it truly does take a village to raise a child in this world. We are blessed that the elementary school is a part of our "village"

1 comment:

Sheri said...

You are raising them right sweet girl. Awesome!


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