Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Monograms, Bows, and Snakes???

June has been a busy month! Ironic, as we are supposed to be in the "lazy" days of summer time. But it seems that we are even more busy than the regular part of the year. That's not to say that we aren't happy with being busy or that we aren't enjoying it. This week we have been at VBS at our church enjoying the "High Seas Expedition." We have one more day and as a core leader and planner on the VBS committee, I am thankful for a great week and to also see the end in sight. Before adventuring into the "High Seas" at VBS, we had a different kind of adventure at the zoo at our little friend Davis Taylor's 4th birthday party. The girls had a fabulous time and we are planning on copying a zoo party for one or both of them for next year. I was truly surprised though that both of my girls LOVED the snake named Eddy. They petted him as if he were a cute little furry puppy. Ironic, doesn't even describe the picture of my matching-outfits-big-bowed-southern-princess girls cozying up to Mr. Eddy the snake. I guess he was charmed by their beauty or vice-versa! (Pics below)

Monograms, bows and snakes the perfect combo!
Sophie loved Eddy!
Emma-Caroline loved him too although she looks a bit more cautious!


Brenda Ledbetter said...

Wow that is cute. Glad the girls were not scared of the pretty snake. I wouldn't have been so brave myself since they scare me to death, even plastic ones make me run. Awesome time they must have had at the party, such an unsual birthday party and they probably learned a lot from it too. So glad the girls are getting exposed to so many great types of learning experiences while they are young. Love always, Aunt Brenda - Memphis, TN

Maggie said...

YES VBS WAS CRAZY, BUT FUN:) WE HAD SO GOOD TIMES!!!! (a.k.a its maggie from vbs) LOL!!!!


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