Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A Thanksgiving Table: A Bit of Rustic, Whimsy and Elegance

         When we moved into our mid century home three years ago, I decided that I wanted a very large farm style trestle table with comfortable chairs as a dining room table. I had had an antique Duncan Phyfe set in our former home, and although I loved it's history, it was rickety and very uncomfortable to sit at for long conversations over dinner.
 The table that I chose to be in our new home is a very sturdy and comfortable table that we eat at all year round, not just for special occasions. I can dress it up or go more rustic and less formal. It goes with everything and I truly enjoy sitting and conversing with family and friends for hours after a meal is finished.
 This year, for Thanksgiving, we are hosting dinner for our family and my mother and sister-in-law who are flying in today from New York City.  As our Thanksgiving feast will be for a party of six, I wanted our table to be less formal, but still festive with lots of natural elements such as pumpkins and found fall leaves. The girls also wanted to be involved in creating our table scape.
  I quickly obliged them fondly remembering my childhood days of helping to set the table and getting ready for dinner parties. Emma-Caroline made Thanksgiving dinner menus which we tied with jute twine and added a homemade hand print turkey (Sophie's idea) to add a touch of whimsy to the table. We also tied twine around our cranberry colored napkins and tucked the silverware in place.
  Although our table is rustic, we added a hint of formality with my mother's vineyard Noritake china placed on Pottery Barn chicken wire chargers with a second gold charger underneath to add just the right amount of sparkle and elegance while still keeping our table on the rustic side of things.
 With our table all dressed and ready, we are looking forward to a wonderful Thanksgiving Day  feast. We are grateful for all of our family and friends and we hope that you and your family have a very happy Thanksgiving Day as well!


nancy said...

Your tablesscapes are always so imaginative and beautiful. This one is truly rustic and elegant and beautiful! I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I think Beverly and Rhonda will love the hand print turkeys! Tell everyone hello for me. I love you all!

nancy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
nancy said...

Hi Amy - I deleted my comment (in case you were wondering) because somehow my first comment got printed again and I didn't think you would want to read it again. Well, Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Brenda Ledbetter said...

Absolutely awesome. I love all the decorations/tablescapes and the fact that the girls contributed to it too. What an awesome event awaits Rhonda and Beverly. Wish you all a very beautiful Thanksgiving Day, please tell everyone I said hello and am wishing them well. We will be thinking of you all as we gather in Memphis with our cousins in Lakeland TN again this year which is a very special event also. Love you all so much, Hugs and Kisses to you all...,
Aunt Brenda - Memphis, TN :)


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