Friday, November 22, 2013

An Advent Invitation

          When I was a child, Christmas was a bit different in the way in which it "showed up" during the holiday season. As I sit here tapping away at the keys of my computer, I can not recall a time when anyone I knew had a tree up before Thanksgiving much less their  house and yard adorned in holiday lights, garland and wreaths. The stores really didn't actually get gussied up in Christmas décor either until at least the week of Thanksgiving, and really if I am remembering it correctly, not until the day after. Santa Claus did not dare step toe in a mall or winter wonderland set up until December 1, and my family did not put up our Christmas tree until at least two weeks before Christmas, sometimes even later. I will stop and say here that this is not a post to bash any early Christmas decorating that occurs in this day and age. I definitely get my tree up right after Thanksgiving and enjoy having my home decorated for the holidays for the entire month of December. I began thinking about how things have changed from the time that I was a child until today after I had a conversation with one of my friends recently about how hard it is to slow down during the season of Advent. As Christians, we are asked to slow down, to stop, to watch, to wait and to prepare our hearts for the birth of the Christ child. But as our world speeds up in order to get to the end of Christmas season before it has even begun, it becomes increasingly harder to carve out that time of slowing down and preparing our hearts that we are asked to do at Advent.
 Growing up, I attended Catholic schools, although my family was non-Catholic. From first through twelfth grades, I attended mass with my classmates three times weekly. During the season of Advent, I remember sitting in the dimly lit church, watching as the candle was lit and listening and saying the prayers of preparing our hearts for the coming birth of Jesus at Christmas. The light of the candle was bright in contrast to the darkened church and drew my child's eye to it, calming my thoughts and preparing my heart as I prayed. Each week, that light grew brighter from the Advent wreath as another candle was lit signifying that the time of Christmas was drawing nearer and nearer. I remember my feelings of excitement and wonder and awe as I waited, and watched and prepared my heart for Jesus. I remember really knowing the true meaning of Christmas and being thankful each Christmas Day for the gift of Jesus. As an adult, I look back on those times and cherish the memories of that special time of waiting and preparing that I was given each year as a child during the season of Advent.
 In my reflection on my childhood memories of the season of Advent, I have felt a special nudging from God, an invitation really, to come and partake in the season that is waiting for all of us; the season of slowing down, of waiting of watching, and of preparing to receive the Christ child at Christmas. He invites us ALL, his children, to come and to be still and to know HIM, to allow HIM to fill our hearts with love and joy and peace. The invitation is open to us all! He wants to spend this time of Advent with YOU and he wants to open your heart to his light day by day so that you may experience the true joy and the true peace and the true love that IS Christmas. He wants to give you this gift and he invites you to join him. Come and experience his peace. Carve out that time that is so hard to do but is so necessary in order to truly receive his gift to you. Advent will begin on December 1, 2013. Your invitation to enjoy a time of slowing down, and waiting and watching and preparing is waiting for you. As Mary was asked and said, "yes" to being God's handmaiden in order to bring our savior Jesus into this world, will you say "yes" too to allowing yourself to receive his peace as you spend time with him? He invites you and is waiting for you. May God's peace fill you in this special season of Advent so that you may be filled with his love and joy as Christmas day draws near and you receive the true gift of Christmas in Jesus.



nancy said...

Thank you so much for this beautiful message, Amy. I pray that the peace that He has offered to us all will find its way into our hearts. I am so looking forward to being with you this Christmas. I love you all.

Between You and Me said...

I love the Advent season...slowing down and letting myself soak in the coming of Jesus....what it meant when he came to earth so many years ago, and what it means for him to come again for us one day.

beautiful post. beautiful memories you have as a child.


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