Sunday, July 10, 2011

Fun in the Sun!

Knoxville has a very small little splash park in my neck of the woods that used to be a public pool that became under utilized at some point and was therefore turned into a splash park. I have been to a number of bigger city splash parks and they are certainly impressive and really fun, but water and splashing around in it on a hot day in the summer is fun no matter how big the splash park. I like our little one just as much, or more than the bigger ones we've been to. We've gone to our little splash park since Emma-Caroline could walk, and we even had Sophie's 2nd birthday at this particular splash park. It's just a fun free thing to do in the summer to cool down and enjoy. This past Saturday we attended a birthday at the splash park and had as much fun as ever. Sophie even got in the water this year, which is saying a lot since in years past she was more content watching others play in the water instead of getting wet herself. We certainly have had a lot of fun in the sun and hope that you are too!


paige said...

what fun!!
& i love their matching seersucker monogramed two pieces!
i dressed my older three alike for years. now this year at the beach, smk was all "mom, we can NOT match". funny thing though, no one "matched" but heaven forbid someone have one something in the same color family. ugh.
however one night she reminded me how "awesome" it was that she & i have matching watches, matching purses and matching lilly shorts. wow...hard to keep up with the changing moods! ;)

Brenda Ledbetter said...

Looks like a fun outing. Know the splash made things cooler.

I like their matching outfits. Mama, your MeMaw, always dressed us(twins)in matching outfits and our yonger sister, Nancy...,your mom, got, a lot of times, the outfits made out of all the scraps patched together into a beautiful unique pattern..., I always admired that and thought it was beautiful and cute and awesome too. Mama made some unique cloths back in our days as youngsters and we were also able to play and run and have so much fun. Life was awesome and stil is.


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