Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Tennessee Theater

Have I ever told y'all how much I love the Tennessee Theater here in Downtown Knoxville. It opened it's doors in grand style back in 1928! It's an amazingly beautiful old theater that recently was restored to its full grandeur. And y'all know Emma-Caroline just had her ballet performance on the stage where all sorts of entertainers, famous or not, have stood for the past 83 years. Just think of that! A-MA-ZING!!! Can you also tell I just love history! Last Saturday evening, Howie and I celebrated our anniversary a couple of days early and ventured Downtown for dinner and just some time to be by ourselves. We had a great time. The photos from Monday were done in a silly attempt to take a photo of the two of us. We then headed on over to, you guessed it, the Tennessee Theater. Of course i snapped a few, or ten, or fifty shots of the theater at night. Here's one of those shots. Isn't she lovely!
f 4, 1/10, ISO 200
Sharing with Patty for Photo-a-la-{M}ode. And I have a question for my friend Patty. How would I take this same photo of the Tennessee Theater and get the theater in focus with the cars moving by blurred. Tried several ways, but it didn't quite work.


Vaiden said...

Amy: This picture may be one of my favorites you have ever taken. Can I get a print signed by the photographer?

Brenda Ledbetter said...

Very pretty shot of a very historical place.

Glad you had a wonderful anniversary date together and many happy years ahead too.

Love always,
Aunt Brenda, Memphis, TN

Amanda said...

Beautiful picture! The lighting is super pretty!

Amanda said...

Although, I know I'm not who you asked, I couldn't help thinking about your question. My first suggestion for getting the cars blurred was to use a tripod, focus on the theatre sign, and lower your shutter speed. The slower shutter speed will usually blur movement. But, 1/10 is pretty low already. Maybe the cars just weren't moving fast enough? They are blurred a little, but I know not enough for the look you were going for. Out of curiosity, I played around with my 50mm lens and it will go much slower than 1/10. I don't know if you can get the entire theatre in the angle with that lens, but you would need to increase the aperture value and lower the shutter speed way down. When I played around with mine I could get the ss all the way to where it literally took like 2-3 seconds to actually take the picture. You would probably need a tripod so your own movement doesn't blur the entire photo, but that might work.

Lana Kim White Austin said...

Awesome shot! I LOVE historic theatres with all their innate character and charm (Tom and I met doing theatre at a charming old, character-filled theatre!)


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