Saturday, February 25, 2012

New Heights!

       When I was a little girl, I remember the day my mom and my older cousin Al carried the large steel A-frame swing across the street from my Great Aunt Carolyn and Great Uncle George Edwin's back yard to our back yard. The swing was very old, but sturdy and had been my mom and aunts and then Carolyn and George Edwin's daughters' swing. It was huge and sturdy and did not need to set in concrete like the newer aluminum swing sets of the time of my childhood. My mom spray painted the swing a beautiful shade of yellow and ordered two swings and a glider from the Sears and Roebuck catalog. I could hardly wait to get to swing on my very own swing set! The day finally came when we got a call from Sears. My swings had arrived! My mom and I hopped in her red  1977 Honda CVCC (the very first model before the Civic) and drove over to Sears. The swings were packaged in large bags, but I could see they were the same beautiful yellow as my swing set. After the swings were hung, I spent many hours in our back yard swinging and having fun with my friends and even at times by myself. My mom still has the same original A-frame  that is now over 50 years old. It is painted a different color and holds a single bench swing, but it still exists and is as sturdy as ever.
        One week ago today, Emma-Caroline and Sophie got a new swing in our back yard. We had had a beautiful Rainbow set in our old house, but it was too large to move to our new home. Howie was skeptical that we could have a swing in our current back yard, but with some convincing and consultation with an expert swing builder, we decided an A-frame swing would indeed fit.
 The girls waited patiently as Mr. John and his daughter built their new swing set last Saturday. On President's Day, they hit the swings early before even getting dressed.
  They have had such a wonderful time playing on their new swing set and I know they will enjoy it for years to come. I doubt that it will stand the test of time as the old A frame in my mom's back yard, but this new one is sure to bring it's own fun in the days ahead.


Sheri said...

What an awesome swing set. Your girls are so adorable...always. Have a blessed night.

Lana Kim White Austin said...

LOVE that swing set...and their obvious joy, so unfettered and beautiful, from the swingset! I am SO SORRY that I haven't been able to stop by. I haven't done hardly any blogging and blog cruisin'.

I, too, like you described in an earlier post, have felt a little differently about blogging in terms of doing it as often...not that I ever did that much to begin with...and everything is CRAZY here with Tom gone/Alexandra's stuff for colleges, etc., which is why I couldn't make it to Blissdom. I've decided to go to Haven instead.
I promise to stop by more often...I always love your blog and beautiful family so very much!!!

Brenda Ledbetter said...

So nice. I know they are enjoying every minute of it. We as children loved getting out and doing special things acrobatically with our swing set. Your yard looks so pretty too. Tell Emma-Caroline and Sophie Rose hello and I can't wait to see them agin and enjoy thier swing set with them too. Love you all,
Aunt Brenda - Memphis, TN

Elizabeth Ann said...

I think it would be awesome to have a swing set.


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