Thursday, December 4, 2008

Happy Birthday to Le Bird!

Today is my sister Katie's 23rd birthday. It's hard to believe that 23 years ago, I was riding in the car with our dad on our way to see my new little sister. We stopped first to buy a baby bath for her at Target. I remember walking down the baby aisle thinking, "I wonder what she looks like?" I couldn't wait to meet her and get to hold her. When we finally did get home, I sat down in the large wooden rocking chair which still sits in the guest room, held out my arms and held my tiny little sister. I remember thinking how amazing she was. She still is. I am so proud to have my Katie Bird as my sister. She is one of the most loving people I know and so beautiful both inside and out. Happy birthday Katie! I hope you have a wonderful day.


Brenda Ledbetter said...

Happy birthday to Katie, from Aunt Brenda in Memphis, Tennessee. I can't believe your little sisters have grown up and are such beautiful young ladies now, seems like yesterday when they were pretty little girls. Time sure passes fast.
I know you are proud of both of them.
Take care and have a great day.
Aunt Brenda

Katie said...

Aw thank you Amy and thank you Aunt Brenda!! It made me cry!!

And thank you Amy for the flowers! I'll have to give you a call later today, but just in case the day escapes me...Thank you!!

Love you and miss you all,


Pam said...

Amy, As usual your words made me cry. I always look forward to seeing what is new at the Avery house.

I remember the day we brought our Katie home. I could not wait to show her to her big sister and brother. You helped me so much and took such good care of her. Katie and Kelly are very lucky to have such a wonderful big sister! I love you! pam


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